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Is It Time To Sue For Your Car Accident?

Car accidents are events that affect so many of us. While some leave minimal pain, damage, and cost in their wake, others can be life-altering due to an injury or the emotional trauma experienced. As is so often said, a strong defense is the best offense. That being true, we wanted to share some things to help you be prepared for an auto accident. Since they can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of how responsible or safe of a driver you may be, we hope you read this article to ensure you act appropriately and as quickly as… Read More

Lawsuit-Proof Your Estate Plan With Gordon R. Crawford & Associates

Estate planning is so often seen as something exclusive to the wealthy and powerful. However, this does not have to be the case. Unfortunately, some who decide to exercise their ability to make use of estate planning fail to do so correctly. There are several confusing and intricate rules the State of Louisiana has that can potentially leave your heirs with nothing if you fail to abide by them. Having the experience and knowledge of an estate plan attorney at your side can make all the difference in your situation and truly lawsuit-proof your estate plan. Regardless of where you… Read More

Personal Injury: Important Steps To Take When You’ve Been Injured

The clock buzzes, beeps, chirps, or chimes. We throw off the covers and feet hit the floor. A new day begins. You pack the lunches, feed the cat, make the coffee, get the kids on the bus, and you’re off to work—all in record time. Amazing. And while you’re moving at the speed of light, so are millions of other Americans. Add in icy roads, slippery sidewalks, broken stairs, falling debris, unlabeled hazards, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Fortunately, miraculously even, most of us go day in and day out for years and years without so much as… Read More

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